GUIDE Program for Dementia Patients

What does the GUIDE program require? 1

Comprehensive Assessment

Along with a dementia diagnosis, you will also be required to assess the needs of the Patient and the Caregiver.

Provide a Care Plan and Ongoing Care Coordination

You’ll need to provide and monitor a course of action that will manage the Patient's dementia and co-occurring conditions.

Resource Referral

Caregivers and Patients alike will rely on you to provide community-based social services and support, along with educational materials.

GUIDE Data Reporting

Your program will need to communicate Quality Data, Care Delivery Data, Beneficiary and Caregiver Assessment Data, and Socio-demographic and Health-Related Social Needs.

Ongoing Monitoring & Support

Along with regular monitoring of Care Plan progress, you will also need to support caregivers with a 24/7 number (which can be provided by third parties).

Medication Management

GUIDE programs will need to not only assess and adjust medications but also offer guidance and assistance to your Patients in adhering to their prescribed medication schedules.
HealthHive supports this service.

What is HealthHive?

Imagine understanding what goes on with your Patient beyond their clinical encounters, and providing them and their Caregivers a way to understand their path to stable, or even improved health. Further, imagine this done in a way that enhances the efficiency of your staff, providing a benefit to both you and your patient.

The HealthHive platform empowers improved care management, with a simple technology to support everyone involved in the individual’s care. And best of all, we do so by respecting your preferred workflows and existing technology.

Care Plans
Automatically Distributed and Tracked
Provided Directly to Patients and Their Caregivers
Resource Center
Filled with Educational Materials & Local Services